1. Login
To access the system we need you to supply an Email Address and a Password. You Password needs to be at least 5 characters long and contain at least 1 special character.
2. Profile
Your profile details will form part of your online Profile within the VerifyAward. In addition, the information that you provide here is validated against the data we store centrally. If your details can be confirmed (including your Student Number) your account will be approved, if not, your account will need manual approval.
3. Confirm
Before submitting your details you have the chance to confirm that they are all correct.
If the details you supplied match the University records your account will be approved and you will be redirected to your account. If not an administrator will confirm you details and you will receive an email when your account is available.
Once your account is approved you can access it at anytime using the credentials you entered in Step 1.