Alumni Registration

Title with Icon Generic (REF: 7239)

Existing users

If you have previously registered for the system and would like your email address changed; or cannot remember your login details, please don't attempt to register again (as this will cause delays in you obtaining access).

Instead, please get in touch with our team at who will be happy to help

Portlet Containers (REF: 4875)
WYSIWYG Generic (REF: 4878)

Follow our simple 3 step process to create your account and access your Document Dashboard.

If you have registered already, you will not be able to register again with the same email address and student number.

Portlet Containers (REF: 5012)
Title with Icon Generic (REF: 4882)

1. Register

Enter your registration details below.

Portlet Containers (REF: 5011)
Title with Icon Generic (REF: 4883)

2. Activate

Activate your account.

Portlet Containers (REF: 5010)
Title with Icon Generic (REF: 4885)

3. Access

Login to access your account.

Portlet Containers (REF: 6109)
Wizard Containers (REF: 6110)
Wizard Step - Login Users (REF: 6118)
WYSIWYG Generic (REF: 7173)
WYSIWYG Generic (REF: 7174)

Please note passwords must have a minimum length of 6 character and contain at least 1 special character (i.e. ! $ ? £).

Wizard Step - Profile Users (REF: 6119)


Ticking this disclaimer allows us to share your information throughout the university.

WYSIWYG Generic (REF: 6126)
WYSIWYG Generic (REF: 6127)

Please remember the email address you have selected as you will need to use this email address in the future to log into the validation website.  In addition, you will need to provide this email address to any Third Party you authorise to access your nominated documentation on the validation website.